Car Service Can Wait but Emergencies Can’t.
To our Valued Customers, employees and friends in the community,
Current events relating to the Coronavirus have forced us all to alter our daily routines to a practical standstill. Without our health we cannot function as individuals serving our families, employees and communities. With that in mind, we encourage you to follow health professionals protocols and limit your exposure to avoidable gatherings and encounters.
We fully understand your dependence on your automobile, however, if you’re due for scheduled maintenance, or any non-essential services, please postpone it to a later date. If on the other hand you’ve experienced a mechanical breakdown, unsafe driving condition, check engine light or safety related items like brakes, tires or any other area you feel unsafe with, please call us at 818-901-1113 to discuss and evaluate your concern. We are here for you in your moment of need.
As an added service during these trying times, we are offering vehicle pick-up and delivery by appointment in order to make caring for your car safe and easy.
Stay healthy and safe
Jack, David and Debbie Bulko